BidVault Basic

Winning bid tools available to everyone.

BidVault Basic is our mix of digital content, training and tender finding tools.

Having written over 10,000 bids ourselves, we built these tools to help smaller organisations bid like their bigger counterparts, without the historically prohibitive costs. BidVault Basic starts at £2995 per year. 

In one platform, you can benefit from;

  • AI-searchable library of over 200,000 words of expertly written, continually updated model bid responses across key bid topics, covering core categories including Social Value, Information Governance and more (Knowledge Vault).
  • Tender Search and Alert Platform (Tender Vault).
  • Video bid writing training content to upskill your team on everything from finding opportunities to structuring your pricing (Training Vault).

Ready to see a demo?

BidVault Overview

Proof of our success

Bids written and counting.
Overall win rate underpinning our content.
Hours of online video bid training.
Words worth of Bid Director level content, available to everyone.

Here’s our Director of AI Strategy and highly experienced Bid Director, David Haslewood, describing why BidVault is a game changer for smaller businesses.

We built BidVault Knowledge Vault and Training Vault for our team of 40+ bid writers to use internally.

Before Knowledge Vault, they would write the foundational responses to each bid, and our bid professionals would review these and make improvements.

We recognised that some writers were stronger than others on certain common bid questions, causing a variance in both speed and quality. Using Knowledge Vault, all of our writers now start off with a 3/5 response to each of the common questions, written by our bid professionals.

With Training Vault, each of our bid writers – regardless of experience – runs through the program when joining our team to ensure that they are skilled in the key areas that we know drive bid wins. Now, you can have access, too.

How did we build Knowledge Vault?

Our leading bid professional analysed hundreds of tenders and identified core bid areas and common scoring criteria.

Then, they wrote a wide range of responses for each category, varying in length and focus area.

Now, our content team updates and expands the content every single day and our customers have access to bid-ready content whenever they need it, written by some of the very best in the business.



Ready to view a demo?

BidVault Overview

"We'd always struggled on Social Value questions. It seemed a bit like a dark art before - even using online guidance we found through Google. BidVault gives us access to a range of really good, well written responses that are really varied but always seem to hit the marks for commissioners. I couldn't recommend it more."